Book a VR Tour
How it worksSave lots of time
Buying a house can take up a lot of your time. By using VR you can visit multiple properties in the same timespan as visiting one in person. This way you can easily decide which houses to view in person and which ones to skip - saving you lots of time, energy and disappointment.
899.000 €
Nobellaan 17
6431ZA Hoensbroek
399.000 €
6135 KD
My Vivenda Straße 1
52072 Musterstradt
500.000 €
Nobellaan 17
6431ZA Hoensbroek
€ 500.000
Teststrasse 1
52072 Testcity
890.000 €
Vivenda Str. 100
60120 Musterstadt
299.000 €
Vivendastr. 10
52072 Musterstadt
Reithystrasse 51
8810 Horgen
€ 429.000
Vivenda Str. 100
6365 ct Vivendastad
8806 Bäch